Blue Field Program (BFP)

This is a closed study group community for those who aspire to start their own businesses. We believe that in order to create innovative and scalable business concepts that can solve major social and industrial issues, we need a community where we can learn about social issues, industrial structure, and technology across industries. We provide a place where young talents with great ambitions who are active at the forefront of society can think about and refine business ideas that should be seriously challenged, and as an incubate fund, we support startups from the standpoint and experience of a seed VC.


■Monthly Study Session
Through offline (and some online) monthly study sessions, participants will thoroughly explore an innovative "research theme" of their choice (or one proposed by us) and incorporate it into a concrete business plan. The study sessions are divided into two major content areas.

Date & Time: 2nd Friday of every month from 7:30pm to 10:00pm
Location: Incubate Fund Office

▶️ Incubate Fund's workshop on business concepts
This program includes basic knowledge on the key points for creating a business, as well as research and opinion exchange sessions on specific industries.

The important concepts and frameworks for business conception.
The investment themes that the Incubate Fund is focusing on
Presentation and exchange of opinions by business development analysts on start-up themes and business research

▶️ business presentation meeting
The participating members will present their business proposals and provide feedback to Incubate Fund Representative Partner Wada and Partner Fund GPs.

■Members-only Slack Community
We operate a Slack workspace for participants to exchange information and form a community. If any member of the community wants to invite or discuss their plans with others, the Platform team will match them up.
Team-Up is open to any kindred encounters between members!
  • STEP01 entry

    Please send the application form at the bottom of this page to our office.
    We will inform you when we start accepting applications again.

  • STEP02. document screening

    The secretariat will contact you individually by e-mail regarding the results of the selection process.
  • STEP03. interview (i.e. television, newspaper, etc.)

    Interviews may be conducted as necessary. (In-person or web interview)
BFP Application Form